
We are the Barton family!

We are pioneers, releasers of worship and creativity, joyful carriers of the Spirit’s revival fire from Scotland to Cyprus and the nations.

We live in Cyprus and Scotland and love Jesus!

We are full time Christian workers, specialising in worship and missions. We often work with Youth With A Mission and Burn 24-7, and travel to various places around Scotland, UK, Europe and further afield taking the Gospel, and serving in leading worship wherever we go.

We are not paid by YWAM or Burn 24-7, but rather we are supported by individuals, churches and grants from around the world. People who believe in what we do, and who contribute monthly or for special projects. Read our partner page if you are interested in being part of our team of supporters. The money you send us goes towards our personal bills and expenses, not to any of the charities we help. You are enabling us to be sent to the nations in ministry. 🙂

Get in touch if you want to find out more right now. 🙂