
May Update

May 2001 Update of the Barton Bugle
Dear Everyone,
Prayer for Health
Here is a quick update from us over here in Scotland. We so appreciate all of you praying for us and caring for us. We had a
difficult start to the year with Chris’s skin flaring up almost unbearably, leaving us feeling almost hopeless. So many people were
praying for him and he did improve quite a bit, so we praise God for that! Keep on praying though, for protection over Chris’s
health and that of the whole family!
Arbroath Music Festival
In February and March,  we were working really hard with our primary school choir, teaching them some Christian songs and sea
shanties to sing at our local music festival. For such a small school, they did really well and got an award in the sea shanty
class. We are still constantly amazed that we are allowed to teach the children songs full of scripture and the love of God! Wouldn’t
it be wonderful if some of these lyrics stuck in their heads and drew them towards Jesus?
Life Church Arbroath
Our church is doing well, and the part we are playing is mostly in the music and worship department. We love learning new songs,
leading the band, and leading the congregation into worship. It has been years since we have been part of a band in this way and for us this is a breath of fresh air. We feel like some of our gifts are being taken out of the attic, given a shake and being used again.
Now we just need to start writing songs. Our pastor is very keen to have some Scottish worship songs, started here in Arbroath. It’s
fun, and we know we can do it, but we need to get down to doing it, make the time and discipline ourselves to sit down at the piano and go for it!  And most of all, we need the Holy Spirit do breathe through what we do! So please pray for that!
The new church provides us with a lot of new opportunities to do new things with YWAM in Arbroath. We have many ideas! We desperately need a team to work with us here, as being on our own in YWAM here has been hard and draining in some ways. We are very excited about the things that can happen here and we know what’s possible with teams of young people coming here. We saw what God did in the past and we want more of that!  In the meantime, there are people starting various outreach things
with the church, and we will definitely be involved in some of these. We are going to join healing rooms in Dundee and hope to
plant it here in the not too distant future.
Kid Stuff
The kids are doing well, with David just finishing primary one, Bronwen finishing her first year of high school and Wesley in the
throes of exams! We have been playing Settlers of Catan as a family and loving it. Chris has been able to get play catch a bit with
Wesley and we even had a kind of makeshift game of Scrub the other day. We’ve got to get a bit of softball into these kids—they are
not going to learn it here! They are all doing well and enjoying their various activities. Bronwen and Wesley go away once a month
for a youth weekend in Glasgow. This is a great time of friendship, worship, outreach and teaching.
They also help with the power point at church, which has been super for us! We are going to do music as a whole family one of these
days! Please pray for us for wisdom as we raise our wonderful offspring!
And Finally…
Just a quick word to leave you with: LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day,
in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habbakuk 3:2
This is our prayer for Arbroath and Scotland.
God’s blessing on you all… and our love,
Chris, Rosalie, Wesley, Bronwen and David