
Working with CLAN Kidz


CLAN KidzRosalie and were planning on a quiet week in St Andrews, relaxing with the kids, when out of the blue came a phone call from the children’s coordinator of CLAN Gathering. “Would you and Chris be free to come and help us be group leaders for P6-P7 aged girls and boys?”.  After talking and praying about it for a little while we decided to go for it!

Since then we have been called crazy, mad, and off our heads! Why? Because we were moving house 2 days after CLAN Gathering finished on 30th July!

We had a great week with CLAN Kidz. It was hard work, don’t get me wrong. The time I lost my group wasn’t one of my favourite moments! Rosalie had her own challenges with her group – some of which felt a bit old for the Kidz area of CLAN and were probably wanting to be in the youth area.

We had fun during the week with Heather Canter and her little ones. Playing on the beach, in the park, and generally chilling out. We also had a great time sharing the caravan my mum and dad had for the week. 🙂

My feet were sore every night after dancing and doing the action songs at CLAN Kidz, and trying my best to keep up with the highly energetic boys in my group, all of whom were football mad!

I recommend working with CLAN Kidz – it is definitely worthwhile. Contact CLAN Gathering at .